Hunter Revolution
Tire Changer
Ford Approved
Ford GT Equipment
Hunter has combined its technological leadership and innovative style to produce a fully automatic tyre changer completely designed and built in the USA - The Revolution. The Revolution uses the same fully automatic method for all tyre and wheel combinations, saving time on today's diverse assemblies. The fully automatic process also removes the need for a skilled operator by turning all levels of tyre technicians into experts. The Revolution™ automatic tire changer is the easiest tire changer to use in the industry, and recognized as the 2015 Motor Magazine Top 20 Tools Awards, as well as a PTEN Innovation Award and PTEN Innovation Award’s People’ Choice Award all in 2014. click here to watch a product video Learn more about the Hunter Revolution by checking out the detailed product flyer under "downloads" or contact the UK or IE distributor: Pro Align Pro Align IE Please, understand that we cannot sell this kind of equipment via our webshop or our Bosch customer service. This equipment is specifically approved for service work on the Ford GT.