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Low-Voltage Battery Tester CPX-950 Ford
The new Ford approved hand-held battery tester!
1.67 kg
Today’s service environment demands a diagnostic solution that offers a combination of information, technology, and communication to support the battery needs of today’s complex electrical systems. As the complexity of battery and electrical systems continue to evolve, diagnostic technology must be able to keep pace.
The CPX-950 Battery & System Analyzer answers the challenges posed by current and future vehicles, including capabilities for new battery and system types, new business procedures and a generation of service technicians familiar with app-based technology.
Conductance Profiling™ offers increased decisiveness (less Charge & Retest) and a battery Reserve Capacity condition check. It supports future vehicle/battery technologies via software updates with subscription to BMIS Program Maintenance.
- Service for conventional and advanced vehicle systems (including start-stop)
- Supports conventional lead acid, EFB, and AGM batteries
- Conductance Profiling™ delivers enhanced diagnostics providing significantly fewer ’Charge & Retest’ decisions, as well as battery Reserve Capacity warnings
- Service apps promote quick, error-free testing — ideal for busy shops or inexperienced technicians
- Full-color screen provides easy system navigation, detailed reference information and test results with the convenient option for sharing those battery diagnostic results with customers
- Ergonomic shape, size and grip is easy to carry and hold
- Replaceable cable
- Generates the IDS warranty code
For information on repair and warranty handling, please click on the “Download” tab and “contact information”.
Please, read the user manual before you change the battery in the tester in order not to impact the date setting of your tester.