Protective screen against electrical short-circuit arc
Compliant with the Arc Flash standard GS-ET-29: class 1
Insulating up to 1000 V AC/DC
Required for internal battery repairs
The arc face shield comes complete with a headband and can be worn without a helmet. It protects the face and forehead from arcing and electrical short circuits. It offers protection in accordance with GS-ET_29 class 1.
The face protection can be attached quickly and easily to the head using the quick-release ratchet and does not contain any metal parts. It is made of polycarbonate and is anti-fog and scratch-resistant. The face is protected from solid particles according to level B and withstands the impact of steel balls up to a diameter of 6 mm at 120 m / s. The shield and headband sit comfortably and securely, and the visor can also be worn folded up.
Polycarbonate face shield:
Meets the following Standards:
Vår integritetspolicy har uppdaterats.
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